Fitness Tips For A Busy Work Week
From school pick-ups to dates with friends and work-life we seem to have an already full diary! Now they are telling us we need to exercise, how on earth are we supposed to fit that in? Unfortunately, we cannot add more hours to our day and time travel is not an option that I am aware of just yet. The Department of Health has stated that we can be putting our health at risk if we are not finding the time to exercise. We need to aim for at least 30mins of moderate exercise each day to maintain our fitness and health. Well, 30mins a day doesn’t seem like much but when you add it up for the whole week you are looking at around 210 hours a day. How on earth are you going to fit that in a week when you have so much going on is there an easier way?
It seems the lack of time we have is now a common excuse that many people are using to get out of exercising. Did you know you can exercise daily without sacrificing time with the family or work?
Using your commute
If you live quite a fair way away from the office have you considered riding a bike even just twice a week? This will help you burn calories and they will help you to remain more focused at work. Take a spare set of clothing so you can change instead of showing up to work in sweaty clothing.
Using your lunch break more wisely
If you have a lunch break at work, then using this to your advantage is a good way to exercise without wasting time. If you sit at a desk, then you can use your desk to do some stretches. If you sit outside, then go for a walk around the block or walk to the end of the street and back again even jog if you can.
Exercise appointments
It is most likely easy for you to fit a quick exercise appointment into your schedule but most fail at making the commitment and sticking to it. You could nip down to the gym and do an intense workout with Tim Paine at BFT to break up your busy workday. Consider making an hour for exercise two or three times a week and treat that hour like an appointment – you must stick to it.
Take a friend
Struggle to find the time to workout and catch up with your best friend? Incorporate both together. Make it a workout date. You can run or walk together even go to the gym together and still chatter away and catch up on the gossip. Hitting two birds with the one stone. You will have more motivation when you are working out and sweating out the burn together at your local body fit training session with Tim Paine than exercising alone.
Take your partner
It is good to work out together and set small goals for each other. This can help couples grow closer and increase physical attention with one another.
Take the stairs
There are plenty of ways you can bring exercise into your daily routine that you might not even realise. You know that lift that you get every morning and every evening when going and leaving work? Scratch this and take the stairs instead! You don’t lose time and you don’t need to schedule a time in your routine to take the stairs. Even if you catch the bus get off at the stop before your normal one and walk that extra bit to your home.